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Issue: Joe Palooka Comics #17 Public Domain
Publication Date: February 1948
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagHarvey
Indicia Publisher: Harvey Publications, Inc.
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: 2
Pages: 52
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
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Content Items: 9 (8 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Leon Harvey
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Full Color
Dimensions: Standard Golden Age U.S.; later Standard Silver Age U.S.
Paper Stock: Glossy cover; Newsprint interior
Binding: Saddle-stitched; later Squarebound (#116 - #118)
Publishing Format: Was Ongoing Series
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Subject Matter
Joe Palooka
Joe Palooka; Humphrey Pennyworth
Here's The Story Behind The Cover

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Subject Matter
Joe Palooka
Joe Palooka; Humphrey Pennyworth; Knobby Walsh; Pruney; Mr. Virgil Mipply; the Mayor of Wokkington Falls
Local townsfolk put up their life-savings to build a million dollar stadium for Humphrey's fight career. However, Humphrey is the local blacksmith and not a professional boxer. Crooked managers try to get Humphrey into high-stake matches to cash in on the proceeds if Humphrey can knock the other fighter out. Joe ends up winning the match, but manages to save the town and Humphrey's blacksmith shop by paying off the cost of the stadium from his own winnings. A concrete statue of Joe with his manager, made by Mr. Mipply, is unveiled in a town celebration at the end of the story.
Joe Palooka, Adventures in Hollywood, Part 1, Lost in the Woods

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Subject Matter
Joe Palooka
Joe Palooka; Knobby Walsh; Sally Grepps; Mr. Blymp; Ann Howe (Joe's fiance); Mr. Clink
On a flight to Hollywood, the plane Joe and Knobby are on is forced to make an emergency landing in a wilderness area. They learn the pilots somehow got off course and the plane was low on fuel. Joe and one of the pilots take off, in different directions, to try and find help. In the meantime, Knobby falls in love with Sally Grepps, a young woman wanting to become an actress. A search plane finds the downed aircraft and lets the passengers know that a rescue party will be sent out shortly. The pilot returns and a couple of cowboys find the group and lead them to a nearby town. Joe returns later, only to find everyone gone. Seeing the horse tracks, he starts out to follow them and encounters an old rovin' hand (referred to as "Mr. Clink" by Joe later on) who is on the run from the law. Clink starts out by threatening to shoot Joe but later, after finding out Joe was actually Joe Palooka, becomes friendly. Guilty only by associating with a rustler, Clink is on the run. Joe offers to help him reclaim his innocence, but Clink decides to move on. He points Joe in the direction of the nearby town. When Joe reaches the town, Knobby runs out to greet him. The story is to be continued in a future issue.
Joe Palooka and His Bodyguard

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Subject Matter
Joe Palooka
Joe Palooka; Chauncey Mozzleheimer; Mrs. Maggleheimer
Chauncey, a former fighter, tries to get hired as Joe's bodyguard. At first Joe states he doesn't need one, but Chauncey's wife explains that they're broke because Chauncey hasn't been able to get a fight in 10 years. Joe hires Chauncey, but finds out Chauncey owes money to a loan shark. After a run-in with the loan shark, Joe decides that Chauncey needs a bodyguard more than he does. He pays off Chauncey's loan and returns him to his wife, stating that he is too busy to look after Chauncey but will continue to pay him until Chauncey finds another job.
Joe calls Chauncey's wife "Mrs. Mozzleheimer" on page 1, but calls her "Mrs. Maggleheimer" on page 3.
Little Max, Baby Service

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Subject Matter
Little Max
Little Max; Butch Wilkers; Joe Palooka (appearance)
Little Max tries working as a babysitter at $0.15 an hour. His first client is Butch Wilkers, who turns out to be quite a handful. Trying to placate the baby, he encounters Joe Palooka at the local ice cream parlor while trying to buy an ice cream cone for Butch. Joe points out that the costs involved in keeping a baby happy are more than the income Little Max would raise and recommends that Little Max get out of that business. Little Max is very grateful for this advice.
Little Max, On The Farm

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Subject Matter
Little Max
Little Max; Rosie; Joe Palooka
Little Max is visiting Rosie on the farm while Joe Palooka is on furlough. Rosie asks Little Max to milk the cow as she needs to stay in the kitchen to watch the roast while her mama is out. Little Max doesn't know how to milk a cow, so he heads into town with an empty bucket in a little red wagon. In town he purchases five gallons of milk with the $2 Joe had given him for "emergencies" and brings it to Rosie. Rosie's family is overjoyed when they learn from Rosie how much milk Little Max was able to get out of their cow, and Little Max is totally embarrassed but can't say anything.
Adventures of Joe Palooka as a Boy, Joe Meets Knobby

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Ham Fisher
Subject Matter
Joe Palooka
Joe Palooka; Knobby
A con artist tries to get Knobby to sell a stain removing product called "Anni-hy-later" and uses a young Joe Palooka for a demonstration. Joe finds out the stain remover is only temporary and goes back to show the con artist. The con artist has a group of people ready to sign on to sell his product, but Joe's arrival reveals the lie. The con artist is beaten up and the crowd leaves angry. Knobby doesn't see Joe again until Joe is 17 and didn't know that the little boy had been Joe.
Tinhorns Are Dumb

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Black Cat
Chickie Ricks, Better Known as the Flyin' Fool

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Chickie Ricks
Chickie Ricks; Gootch; Maylene; Agah Manchu (villain)
Chickie Ricks and his co-pilot Gootch help Maylene fly out important papers and gold from her town that is in jeopardy due to torrential rains that threaten to destroy a nearby dam. Agah Manchu resents the fact that all of his treasures (not described) are being left behind. After the plane takes off, Maylene remembers she forgot to load the town's Sacred Charter. She collects the Charter, but Agah throws a stone at her, knocking her unconscious, just as the dam breaks. Chickie takes one last flyover to view the town and spots Maylene lying unconscious on the ground. He has Gootch fly him in as low as possible in order to grab Maylene by her belt to pull her to safety. Agah is not so fortunate and is deservedly swept away in the flood waters.

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