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Issue: Wonder Woman Giant #3
Publication Date: January 2002
Disclose Detail
Is Variant Variant: Direct Market Edition
Publisher: FlagDC
Indicia Publisher: DC Comics
On Sale Date: 02/19/2020
Pages: 100
UPC/EAN: 76194136593000311
Price: $4.99 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 1 (0 stories, 1 cover)
6 (5 stories, 1 cover) from base issue
Editor(s): Andrew Marino (associate editor); Marie Javins (editor); Jeb Woodard (group editor - collected editions); Scott Nybakken (editor - collected edition)
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Color
Dimensions: Standard Modern Age U.S.
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interiors
Binding: Squarebound
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
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Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
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Title Page
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Endangered Species!

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
various (insets)
various (insets)
various (insets)
Subject Matter
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman [Diana of Themyscira]; General Tolifhar; Steve Trevor (inset); Green Lantern [Hal Jordan] (inset); Green Lantern [Kilowog] (inset); Lady Mordiel (inset)
Planned Extinction!

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
Wonder Woman [Diana of Themyscira]; Steve Trevor; Etta Candy; General Tolifhar; unidentified gorillas; unidentified alien creature
Wonder Woman's destruction of a meteor that was headed to Earth has the unintended consequence of freeing an alien creature that attacks Gorilla City, leading to Wonder Woman teaming up with General Tolifhar to stop the creature.
Couldn't Live

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
Steve Trevor; Wonder Woman [Diana of Themyscira]; P.A.N.D.O.R.A. terrorists; Justice League [Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Superman [Clark Kent; Kal-El]; Green Arrow [Oliver Queen]; Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Hawkman [Carter Hall]] (flashback)
Steve risks his life to help Diana against a terrorist threat.
Year One Part Three

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
Wonder Woman [Diana of Themyscira]; Steve Trevor; Lieutenant Commander Matt Michaelis; Brian (US processing agent); unnamed US processing agent; unnamed female doctor; Lieutenant Etta Candy; Dr. Perez (expert in Ancient Greek); Dr. Barbara Ann Minerva; Maya (Nick's widow); Sandy (Nick and Maya's infant daughter); Hephaestus (as a white mouse); Hermes (as a tortoise); Athena (as an animal, not specified which one); Hera (as an animal, not specified which one); Artemis (as an animal, not specified which one); Demeter (as an animal, not specified which one); Aphrodite (as an animal, not specified which one)
Steve and Diana arrive in the US, where they are detained and de-briefed by federal agents. Unable to overcome the language barrier with Diana, the military brings in an expert who can interpret her language, Dr. Barbara Ann Minerva. Steve tells Maya about Nick's death. Diana is visited in her holding cell by her patron Gods, appearing as animals, who grant Diana special gifts.
Story is set in the past when Diana first left Themyscira to come to America.

Diana has a vision of her patron Gods appearing to her as animals. She identifies Hephaestus appearing as a white mouse and Hermes as a tortoise. The other Gods she names as visiting her are Athena, Hera, Artemis, Demeter, and Aphrodite. It is not clear which animal each of these remaining Gods appeared as.

The Gods bestow gifts on Diana, which apparently are in the form of powers including super strength. It is later noted that prior to her visit from the Gods, Diana did not possess super strength or the ability fly.

Dr. Perez, the expert in Ancient Greek, bears a resemblance to former Wonder Woman writer/artist George Perez.
Secret Origin, Book 3

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
science fiction, superhero
Green Lantern Corps [Green Lantern [Abin Sur] (corpse); Green Lantern [Ahtier]; Green Lantern [Apros]; Green Lantern [Arkkis Chummuck]; Green Lantern [Breeon]; Green Lantern [Chaselon]; Green Lantern [Ch'p]; Green Lantern [Galius Zed]; Green Lantern [Graf Toren]; Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Green Lantern [Ke'Haan]; Green Lantern [Kentor Omoto]; Green Lantern [Kilowog]; Green Lantern [Lysandra]; Green Lantern [Medphyll]; Green Lantern [Penelops]; Green Lantern [Salaak]; Green Lantern [Sinestro]; Green Lantern [Sqweeegg]; Green Lantern [Tomar-Re]; Green Lantern [Varix]; Green Lantern [Voz]; Green Lantern [Xax]]; Ganthet (voice only); Carol Ferris; Tom Kalmaku [Pieface]; Jonathan Stone [Herc]; Mr. Laminski; Hector Hammond; Atrocitos (villain)
Hal's ring flies him to Oa, where he meets the rest of the Green Lantern Corps.
The Path of Heart

Story  on  Interior Page(s) from base issue
Subject Matter
fantasy, superhero
Amethyst [Princess Amaya]; Lady Mordiel; Graciel; Ingvie; Senshe; Firothja; General Sakil; Hadran; Zushan; Eilla; Eiya
Graciel risks her life to share her magical powers with Amethyst. Political maneuverings begin among the great Houses.
Part three of "The Catalyst"

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