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Publisher: Zig-Zag
Years in Operation: 1905 - 1973
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Country: Flag Chile Web Site: http://www.zigzag.cl/ Brands: 5 Indicia Publishers: 6 Series: 28 Printings: 6979 Disclose Notes: The publisher Zig-Zag went through several stages:
- Originally, Zig-Zag publishing house was founded in 1905.
- From 1919 to 1933 was merged with "Imprenta y Litografía Universo".
- In 1934 it was given financial independence (it creates the "Empresa Editora Zig-Zag S.A.").
- In 1971 Chilean government bought the publishing company and it was renamed "Editora Nacional Quimantú" but it was closed in 1973 after the coup d'état.
- That year, new government reestablished the publisher under the name "Editora Nacional Gabriela Mistral" but it was declared bankrupt some years later.
- Since 1980 Zig-Zag reappeared and is still active to this day, but no longer publishes comic books.

La editorial Zig-Zag pasó por varias etapas:
- Originalmente, la empresa editorial Zig-Zag se fundó en el año 1905.
- De 1919 a 1933 fue fusionada con "Imprenta y Litografía Universo".
- En 1934 se le entregó independencia económica (se creó la "Empresa Editora Zig-Zag S.A.").
- En 1971 el gobierno chileno compró la editorial y pasó a llamarse "Editora Nacional Quimantú" pero fue cerrada en 1973 tras el Golpe de Estado.
- Ese mismo año, el nuevo gobierno refunda la editorial bajo el nombre de "Editora Nacional Gabriela Mistral" pero fue declarada en quiebra algunos años después.
- En 1980 la Editorial Zig-Zag resurgió y está activo hasta la actualidad, pero ya no publica cómics.
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Series Name Years in Print Issues (Printings)
007 James Bond {Comic Books} 1968 - 1971 59
5 x Infinito {Comic Books} 1970 - 1971 22
Aventuras Walt Disney {Comic Books} 1964 - ? 184
Cabrochico {Comic Books} 1971 - 1973 5
Condorito {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Frequency: Originally annual (#1 - #6) then twice a year (#7 - #16), three times a year (#17 - #28) and finally quarterly (#29 - #37). Frecuencia de publicación: Originalmente anual (Números del 1 al 6), luego semestral (Números del 7 al 16), cuatrimestral (Números del 17 al 28) y finalmente trimestral (Números del 29 al 37).
1955 - 1972 38
Disneylandia {Comic Books} 1962 - 1981 794
El Capitan Jupiter {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: The series title name is styled as EL CAPITÁN JÚPITER on the covers, with series indicia listed as CAPITAN JUPITER and then changing to EL CAPITAN JUPITER beginning with issue #13 until the end.
1966 - 1968 22
El Intocable {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: The title name per indicia is: EL INTOCABLE from issues 1-132. With issue 132 the title name on the cover begins to advertised as EL INTOCABLE PRESENTS GUERRILLERO, but the indicia was still unchanged with this issue. The series officially changed names within the indicia of issue #133 to: GUERRILLERO with the new name continuing until the series ended.
1966 - ? 161
Fantasías {Comic Books} 1964 - 1971 214
Far West {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Published bi-weekly on Thursdays from November 1972.
1965 - 1974 194
Guerra {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Title is always stylized as Guerra...! (War...! in English) on all of the comic book covers, however every indicia just says "Guerra".
1967 - ? 187
El Jinete Fantasma {Comic Books} 1966 - 1969 159
El Jinete Justiciero {Comic Books} 1966 - 1968 84
El Justiciero {Comic Books} 1965 - 1966 12
Navidad en Disneylandia {Comic Books} 1962 - 1
Okey {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Dimensions are approximate; this comic's dimensions might have varied over its 25 year run.
1949 - 1965 838
Okey Presenta El Justiciero {Comic Books} 1965 - 5
El Peneca {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: La numeración continúa en El Intrépido Peneca (Zig-Zag, 1957 series)
1908 - 1957 2554
Pepe Antartico {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: More issues may remain to be documented.
1973 - 1980 22
Ruta 44 {Comic Books} 1966 - ? 36
S. O. S. {Comic Books} 1966 - ? 65
El Siniestro Doctor Mortis {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: The title name on the cover shows as El Siniestro Dr. Mortis, but within the indicia, every issue is listed as El Siniestro Doctor Mortis. The series appears to have ended in 1971 based on other internet resources but there are no dates on the final issues.
1966 - 1971 105
Tio Rico {Comic Books} 1966 - 1981 377
Tribilin {Comic Books} 1967 - 1972 141
Trinchera {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: The Trinchera title ran along with U-2 and SOS titles until it was ended in late 1969. Zig-Zag then merged all three war titles into a new one titled Guerra ...! starting with issue #85.
1966 - 1969 84
U-2 {Comic Books} 1966 - 1969 89
Variedades {Comic Books} 1964 - 1974 257
Variedades {Comic Books} 1964 - 1968 270

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