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Issue: Absolute Planetary #1
Publication Date: January 2004
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Rating: [no rating]
Publisher: FlagDC
Indicia Publisher: WildStorm Productions
On Sale Date: 11/10/2004
Volume: 1
Pages: ?
ISBN: 1401203272
UPC/EAN: 76194124401300111
Price: $76.95 CAD
$49.95 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 11 (11 stories, 0 covers)
Disclose Notes: New printing: July 8, 2010.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Hardcover
Color: Color
Dimensions: 8.5" x 13"
Paper Stock:  
Binding: Hardcover with Slipcase
Publishing Format: Collected Edition
Format Notes:  
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All Over the World

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Warren Ellis
John Cassaday
John Cassaday
Laura Depuy
Bill O'Neil
Subject Matter
science fiction, superhero
Planetary [Elijah Snow; Jakita Wagner; the Drummer]; Dr. "Doc" Axel Brass; Brass's Secret Society [Hark; the Aviator; Edison; the Jungle Lord; Jimmy, the Secret Operator; The Spider] (all in flashback); 7 costumed invaders (cameos in flashback)
Elijah Snow is hired by Jakita Wagner to join Planetary, a four-man team (3 field agents and one mysterious backer known as "the Fourth Man") looking to uncover the hidden history of the world as “mystery archeologists." Their first mission: to explore a man-made cavern in the Adirondacks, the last known destination of Doc Brass, an adventurer from the 1930s and 1940s.
First introduction of the Snowflake. The seven costumed invaders are reminiscent of the original Justice League or America. The Secret Society are analogues of the following characters: Axel Brass (Doc Savage); The Aviator (G-8); Hark (Fu Manchu); The Spider (The Shadow/the Spider); The Jungle Lord (Tarzan); Edison (Tom Swift); Jimmy the Secret Operator (Operator #5).

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Warren Ellis
John Cassaday
John Cassaday
Laura Depuy
Bill O'Neil
Subject Matter
science fiction, superhero
Planetary [Elijah Snow; Jakita Wagner; the Drummer]; Ryu [Master Storyteller]; Shinya Fukuda; skeletons and bodies of enormous monsters on Island Zero
Planetary travels to Japan to investigate the unofficial history of Island Zero, a breeding ground for giant radioactive monsters.
Some of the monsters depicted here resemble Godzilla, Mothra, Ghidrah, and Rhodan from old Japanese monster movies. Island Zero also resembles Monster Island.
Dead Gunfighters

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Warren Ellis
John Cassaday
John Cassaday
Laura Depuy; David Baron (special thanks to...)
Ali Fuchs
Subject Matter
science fiction, superhero
Planetary [Elijah Snow; Jakita Wagner; the Drummer]; Detective Shek Chi-Wai (a spectral cop); Michelle (Planetary's office manager in Hong Kong); Mok (Shek's ex-partner)
Planetary travels to Hong Kong to investigate the ghost of a slain cop bent on vengeance.
Strange Harbours

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Warren Ellis
John Cassaday
John Cassaday
Laura Depuy; Wildstorm FX
Ali Fuchs
Subject Matter
science fiction, superhero
Planetary [Elijah Snow; Jakita Wagner; the Drummer]; Jim Wilder; Mr. Neumeier; Dr. Axel Brass (cameo); a ShiftShip
While investigating the destruction of a Hark building, Planetary watches as Jim Wilder -a Hark investigator- steps on a large lightning-bolt shaped rock and disappears. He returns transformed into a superhuman by a sentient ship designed to transverse alternate universes. The ship crash-landed on earth millions of years ago and has asked Wilder for help getting home. Wilder agrees to help and search out the other six superhumans needed to pilot the ship, with Planetary’'s help.
The costume Jim wears after his transformation is reminiscent of the original Captain Marvel.
The Good Doctor

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Warren Ellis
John Cassaday
John Cassaday
Laura Depuy
Ali Fuchs
Subject Matter
science fiction
Dr. "Doc" Axel Brass; Elijah Snow; Jenny Sparks (cameo); John Cumberland [The High] (cameo); Hark (cameo); Anna Hark (cameo); Brass's Secret Society [Brass; Hark; the Aviator; Edison; the Jungle Lord; Jimmy, the Secret Operator; The Spider] (cameos- all cameos in flashback)
Axel and Elijah spend an afternoon talking and reminiscing about their lives.
The Secret Society are analogues of the following characters: Axel Brass (Doc Savage); The Aviator (G-8); Hark (Fu Manchu); The Spider (The Shadow/the Spider); The Jungle Lord (Tarzan); Edison (Tom Swift); Jimmy the Secret Operator (Operator #5).

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Warren Ellis
John Cassaday
John Cassaday
Laura DePuy; David Baron
Ali Fuchs
Subject Matter
science fiction, superhero
Planetary [Elijah Snow; Jakita Wagner; the Drummer]; the Four [Randall Dowling; Jacob Greene; William Leather; Kim Suskind]
Elijah learns about the Four, the first astronauts into space in the early 1960s. Changed during the flight, the Four are the opposite of Planetary, hording advanced technology and knowledge for only a privileged few, and leaving a faint trail of murder and terrorism behind them.
The Four have an origin similar to the Fantastic Four of Marvel Comics.
To Be in England, in the Summertime

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Warren Ellis
John Cassaday
John Cassaday
David Baron; Laura DePuy
Ryan Cline
Subject Matter
science fiction, superhero
Planetary [Elijah Snow; Jakita Wagner; the Drummer]; Jack Carter; the modern Herod; an unnamed superhero; unnamed mourners
Planetary attends the funeral of Jack Carter, a 1980s major magic user and one of Jakita's former lovers.
The attendees at the funeral are homages to the 1980s DC Vertigo line. They include: the Sandman, Death, Black Orchid, Animal Man, The Writer (Grant Morrison), Swamp Thing, the Demon, the Doom Patrol, the Metal Men (not a Vertigo book), the Ragman, Shade, the Changing Man, and other unidentified mourners. Jack Carter is also a homage to John Constantine, another DC Vertigo character.

Credits include "with thanks to Laura DePuy".
The Day The World Turned Slower

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Warren Ellis
John Cassaday
John Cassaday
Laura DePuy; Wendy Fouts
Ryan Cline
Subject Matter
science fiction, superhero
Planetary [Elijah Snow; Jakita Wagner; the Drummer]; Allison; Randall Dowling (cameo-flashback); Anna Hark (cameo-flashback)
Planetary is contacted by a woman named Allison, who relates to them the horrors of Science City Zero. City Zero was an experimental base where people disappeared during the height of the “Red Scare” and were subjected to scientific tortures designed to test the limits of the human body.
Some of the monsters and mutated humans are reminiscent of the B-Grade science fiction movies of the 1950s and 1960s.

Credits include "with special thanks to Wendy Fouts".
Planet Fiction

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Warren Ellis
John Cassaday
John Cassaday
David Baron
Mike Heisler
Subject Matter
science fiction, superhero
Planetary [Ambrose Chase (death); Jakita Wagner; the Drummer]; Mr. Devis; Miss Bourke
Planetary follows the recovery of a rocket that crash-lands in Norfolk England in 1997 from a fictional universe. Three astronauts left in the rocket, but four came back. The fourth kills the other astronauts before escaping into Planetary's world.
Dedication: "For Grant Morrison". This story takes place before Elijah Snow joined the team.
Magic and Loss

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Warren Ellis
John Cassaday
John Cassaday
Laura DePuy; David Baron
Ryan Cline
Subject Matter
science fiction, superhero
Elijah Snow; the Planetary clean-up team; 2 unnamed aliens from a doomed planet; another alien, a member of a legion of alien policemen; a mother and her grown daughter from a hidden civilization on Earth; William Leather; Randall Dowling
As the Planetary clean-up team gathers various items from the Four Voyagers Plaza, Elijah looks at 3 artifacts and wonders about their history. The artifacts are a blanket with alien symbols on it, a pair of golden wrist bands, and a blue, alien lantern. The owners of the artifacts were killed by the Four.
The three artifacts and their history are reminiscent of Superman (the blanket); Wonder Woman (the bracelets), and Green Lantern [Hal Jordan] (the lantern).
Memory Cloud

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Warren Ellis
John Cassaday
John Cassaday
Laura DePuy
Bill O'Neil
Subject Matter
science fiction, superhero
Planetary [Elijah Snow; Jakita Wagner; the Drummer]; Sherlock Holmes (cameo-flashback); Randall Dowling (cameo-flashback)
As Elijah deals with his apparent memory loss with Jakita and the Drummer, the identity of the Fourth Man is revealed.

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