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Issue: Baking with Kafka #[nn]
Publication Date: October 2017
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Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagDrawn & Quarterly
Indicia Publisher: Drawn & Quarterly
On Sale Date: 10/03/2017
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9781770462960
UPC/EAN: 9781770462960
Price: $21.95 CAD
$19.95 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 157 (88 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Color
Dimensions: 8.2" x 6.2"
Paper Stock:  
Binding: Hardcover
Publishing Format: Graphic Novel
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Title Penciller(s) Inker(s) Colorist(s)
Illustration on Cover, Front
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Time-Travel Adventure
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Title Page & Credits
Credits on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Foreword, Introduction, Preface, Afterword on Interior Page(s)
Our Dear, Departed Books…
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Set Text
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Some Murder Methods for Modern Mystery Writers
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Four Undramatic Plot Structures
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Scenes from 'Mrs Tittlemouse Joins the Suffragettes' by Beatrix Potter
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
My Library
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
My New Novel Is Available in the Following Formats
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Hills
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Keyboard Shortcuts for Novelists
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Angry Mob
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Baking with Kafka
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Town Mouse
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Dystopian Road Signs
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Nine Archetypal Heroines
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Jaws Reboot Possibilities
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Occult Symbols of the English Countryside
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Tips for Getting Your Novel Published During a Skeleton Apocalypse
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Snooty Bookshop
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Content Analysis of the Memoir
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Recently Discovered Classical Greek Vases
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
William Morris and His Revolutionary Beard
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
How to Submit Your Spy Novel for Publication
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
An X-Ray of My Suitcase
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Auteur Directs a Superhero Movie
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Reading Posture
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Promotional Stickers for Novels
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Currently on Show in Our Museum
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Early Appearances of the Smartphone in Literature
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Libraries of the Future
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Some Unfortunate Errors in the New James Bond Novel
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cost Breakdown of a Slim Volume of Poetry
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Some Horrifyingly Fiendish Crosswords
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Jonathan Franzen Says No
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
New on Your E-Reader: Used Book Simulation
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Re-Hang in the Museum's M. C. Escher Gallery Is Not Going Well
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Poetry Gene: A Timeline
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Writer
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Procrastination for Creative Writers, a 10-Week Course
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Author and the Translator
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Shakespeare Adaptation Generator
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Innovations for the Modern Novelist
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Mister Nature Writer
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Humour Archaeologists
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
An E-Reader Arrives on the Kitchen Shelf…
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Planning Neil Gaiman's 'Norse Mythology' Book Tour
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Rogue Bibliophile 2500AD
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
An Exclusive Excerpt from 'The Wolf Hall Fun Book' by Hilary Mantel
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Our Production of the Tempest Is Presented at Four Difficulty Levels
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Poetry Anthologies for People Who Don't Like Poems
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Elderly People
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Art of the Menu
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Countryside Terror!
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
This Season's Hot Publishing Trend: Spinsters!
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
An Interview with a Cultural Teddy Bear
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
My Forthcoming Counter-Factual History Books
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Planned Extension of the Art Gallery
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Last-Minute Changes to the Politician's Speech
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Errors Commonly Made by Inexperienced Murder-Mystery Novelists
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Subscribe Today!
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Suggestions for Marking Fifty Years Since the Great Poet's Death
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Marvello, the Amazing Grammar Mouse
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
War and Peace Clickbait
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Easily Influenced Novelist's Characters
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Mr. Marxist and Mr. Capitalist
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
David Bowie's Forgotten Non-Fiction Books
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Life of a Memoirist
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Let's Design a Book Cover!
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
If Charles Dickens Were Alive Today
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Nature Critic Shares His Expert Knowledge
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Enjoy a More Authentic Shakespearean Experience!
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
J. G. Ballard's Books for Children Were Not a Success
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Before Becoming an Author, Consider the Health Hazards
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Finish Writing Your Novel at One of Our Rental Properties
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Social Class in the 25th Century
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
In Bookstores Now
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Tube Train Through the Ages
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Rediscovered Classic
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
How the Literary Prize Winner Is Chosen
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Common Mistakes in Radio Interviews
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Quiz: How Do Novels Get Translated?
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Common Villains
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
This Year's Hot New Genres
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Forgotten Chapters of Jane Austen's Emma
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Jane Eyre Uncovers Mister Rochester's Secrets
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
At the Book Festival
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Now Available in the App Store: Angry Grammarian
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Some New Nature Words
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Magical Items for Fantasy Writers
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Sensible Caterpillar and the Stupid Beetle
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Feminist James Bond
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Technology is My Friend
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Advice for Writers #43: Beards
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Sex Scene
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Alice's Allergy List
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Characters in My New Play
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Niccolo Machiavelli's Plans for the Summer
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Our Town in Literature: New Fiction by Local Authors
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Electronic Nostalgia
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Bad Writing
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
A Miniature Melodrama
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Village Green 2.0
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The 'More Poetry for Children' Campaign Presents
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Classic Literature with Added Science!
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Major Styles in Troll Bridge Architecture
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
1851: Herman Melville Considers a Title for His New Novel
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Military Flags from the Grammar Wars of the Mid-21st Century
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
221B Baker Street…
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Mister Conspiracy Theory Books…
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Our Local Underworld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Martian Invasion of 1894
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
How Did You Decide Which Candidate to Vote for?
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Samuel Beckett's Sitcom Pitches
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Who Writes Novels?
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Terrible Storm Has…
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Manifesto Writers Get Feedback from the Focus Group
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Previously Unknown Final Chapters of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Cartoon on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The End of the Novel
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
The Funny Book
Story on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld
Promotional Material (from Publisher) on Interior Page(s)
Tom Gauld Tom Gauld Tom Gauld

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