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Issue: Amelia Rules! #1
Publication Date: ?
Disclose Detail
Title: The Whole World's Crazy
Variant: unnamed
Rating: Ages 7-12
Publisher: FlagSimon and Schuster
On Sale Date: (not set)
Pages: 184
Price: none entered
Indicia Frequency: Ages 7-12
Content Items: 6 (5 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
Disclose Notes: Indexed from the trade paperback edition.
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Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: Color
Dimensions: 6 1/4" w x 9 1/4" h
Paper Stock: Baxter
Binding: Hardcover, with dust jacket
Publishing Format: Ongoing series
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Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley
Amelia vs. the Sneeze Barf

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley ?
Subject Matter
childrens, humorous
Amelia Rules!
Amelia McBride [Princess Powerful]; Reggie Grabinsky [Captain Amazing]; Pajamaman [Kid Lightning]; Rhonda Bleenie [Ms. Miraculous]; Ms. McBride (Amelia's mother); Tanner (Amelia's aunt); Bug; Iggy
After her parents' divorce, Amelia and her mother leave Manhattan to live with her aunt in Pennsylvania. Amelia makes new friends in the neighborhood, going so far as to join their superhero club G.A.S.P. [Gathering of Awesome Super Pals]. Club leader Reggie inveigles the others into taking on two local bullies. Things go badly until Reggie neutralizes the bullies (and everyone else) with a horrifying sneeze barf. Back at home Amelia despairs as her parents argue on the phone, but Tanner, who creates and plays her own songs, sings her niece to sleep.
First appearance of all characters.
The Gym Class System

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley
Subject Matter
childrens, humorous
Amelia Rules!
Amelia; Reggie; Rhonda; Pajamaman; Britney (first appearance); Christina (first appearance); Jessica (first appearance); Ms. Bloom (first appearance); Owen (first appearance); Mary Violet (first appearance); Earth Dog (first appearance); Coach Biggers (first appearance); Ms. Barkley (first appearance); Mr. Norris (first appearance); principal (first appearance); Tanner
Amelia sets off to Joe McCarthy Elementary School with good intentions, but finds that the teachers are as crazy as the students. She's sent to the principal's office repeatedly over various disturbances, some of which she's actually responsible for. Tanner tells her that very little that happens in elementary school will matter in the long run.
Joe McCarthy Elementary School ("Weeding out the wrong element since 1952") references the American Senator Joseph R. McCarthy (served 1947-1957), who conducted a notorious "witch hunt" for Communists in government and society between 1950 and 1954.
Loosely in Disguise, and Frightened

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley ?
Subject Matter
childrens, humorous
Amelia Rules!
Amelia; Reggie; Rhonda; Pajamaman; Ms. McBride; Tanner; Bug; Iggy; Owen; Earth Dog; Mary Violet
Amelia's dad has to cancel her planned visit to Manhattan, so Tanner arranges a Halloween party for Amelia and her friends. The party doesn't live up to expectations, and neither does trick-or-treating. But Rhonda and Amelia do have the pleasure of beating up Bug and Iggy.
Amelia McBride and the Other Side of Yuletide

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley ?
Subject Matter
childrens, humorous
Amelia Rules!
Amelia; Reggie; Rhonda; Pajamaman; Ms. McBride; Tanner; Owen; Mary Violet; mall Santa Claus; mall security guard
Reggie assaults a mall Santa Claus as part of a predictably disastrous investigation into whether Santa is real. Amelia milks her divorced parents' guilt to get lots of Christmas gifts from each of them. But having learned that Pajamaman's family has been living in extremely impoverished circumstances, she slips into his house to leave one of her gifts, which she knows he longs for. Reggie and Pajamaman conclude that Santa must be real after all.
Speak Softee to Me

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley
Jimmy Gownley ?
Subject Matter
childrens, humorous
Amelia Rules!
Amelia; Reggie; Rhonda; Pajamaman; Reenie Bleenie (first appearance); Mr. McBride (first appearance)
Amelia looks forward to a camping trip with her dad, and resents it when he invites her friends along. She reluctantly comes around after he explains that he wants to know her friends because they are part of her life, and he wants to be as much a part of her life as he can.

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