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Issue: Jeg-bøkene #[1983]
Disclose Detail
Title: Vi Dolly og Donald
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagHjemmet / Egmont
Indicia Publisher:
On Sale Date: 1983
Pages: 160
ISBN: 8270019712
UPC/EAN: none
Price: none entered
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 35 (29 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
Disclose Notes: Trykk: Artes Graficas Toledo, S.A., Spania. Sats og montasje: A/S Hjemmets Data-fotosetteri, Oslo. Copyright © 1982 Walt Disney Productions.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Hardcover
Color: farger
Dimensions: 35,2 x 26,6cm
Paper Stock:  
Binding: hardcover
Publishing Format:  
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Title Genre Feature(s) Character(s)
Vi Dolly og Donald
Illustration on Cover, Front
anthropomorphic Donald Duck; Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck] Donald Duck; Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]
Foreword, Introduction, Preface, Afterword on Interior Page(s)
Fra Dollys dagbok
Illustration on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Klara Ku [Clarabelle Cow]; Klara Klukk [Clara Cluck]; Donald Duck; Ole [Huey]; Dole [Dewey]; Doffen [Louie]
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Klara Ku [Clarabelle Cow]; Klara Klukk [Clara Cluck]; Donald Duck; Ole [Huey]; Dole [Dewey]; Doffen [Louie]; Fetter Anton [Gladstone Gander]
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Klara Klukk [Clara Cluck]; Donald Duck (cameo); Trav Volta
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Onkel Skrue [Uncle Scrooge]; B-Gjengen [Beagle Boys]
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck; Klara Klukk [Clara Cluck]; Ole [Huey]; Dole [Dewey]; Doffen [Louie]; Bestemor Duck [Grandma Duck]
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck; Petter Smart [Gyro Gearloose]
Illustration on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Ole [Huey]; Dole [Dewey]; Doffen [Louie]
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck; Ole [Huey]; Dole [Dewey]; Doffen [Louie]
Illustration on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Onkel Skrue [Uncle Scrooge] Donald Duck
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Onkel Skrue [Uncle Scrooge] Onkel Skrue [Uncle Scrooge]; Donald Duck; Ole [Huey]; Dole [Dewey]; Doffen [Louie]; Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Dronning Kleopakrell
Dollys hjertesukk
Illustration on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Donald Duck; Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Fetter Anton [Gladstone Gander]; Ole [Huey]; Dole [Dewey]; Doffen [Louie]; Donald Duck
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck; Ole [Huey]; Dole [Dewey]; Doffen [Louie]; Klara Ku [Clarabelle Cow]; Klara Klukk [Clara Cluck]
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck; Ole [Huey]; Dole [Dewey]; Doffen [Louie]
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck; Ole [Huey]; Dole [Dewey]; Doffen [Louie]; Klara Klukk [Clara Cluck]; Klara Ku [Clarabelle Cow]
Donalds nye hobby
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Donald Duck Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck; Raptus von Rupp [Ludwig Von Drake]; Hakkespettene [Junior Woodchucks; Ole [Huey]; Dole [Dewey]; Doffen [Louie]]
Sjefens smarte sekretær
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Dolly Ducks dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Onkel Skrue [Uncle Scrooge]
Dollys opprør
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Dolly Ducks dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck; Petter Smart [Gyro Gearloose] (cameo)
Ingen tårer for Bestemor Duck
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Dolly Ducks dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Bestemor Duck [Grandma Duck]; Guffen [Gus Goose]; Fetter Anton [Gladstone Gander]
Et seigt problem
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Dolly Ducks dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck; Klara Ku [Clarabelle Cow] (cameo); Klaus Knegg [Horace Horsecollar] (cameo); Hetti [April]; Letti [May]; Netti [June]
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Dolly Ducks dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck
Donald på poesiens vinger
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Donald Duck Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck; Ole [Huey]; Dole [Dewey]; Doffen [Louie]
Kvegkongens kvaler
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Onkel Skrue [Uncle Scrooge] Onkel Skrue [Uncle Scrooge]; Donald Duck; Ole [Huey]; Dole [Dewey]; Doffen [Louie]; Guff Lumskeby [Snake McViper]
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck; Onkel Skrue [Uncle Scrooge]; Andastasia
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck; Onkel Skrue [Uncle Scrooge]
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck; Klara Klukk [Clara Cluck]; Hagbart Hane [Rockhead Rooster]; Ole [Huey]; Dole [Dewey]; Doffen [Louie]; Hetti [April]; Letti [May]; Netti [June]
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Donald Duck; Klara Ku [Clarabelle Cow]; Onkel Skrue [Uncle Scrooge]; Fetter Anton [Gladstone Gander]
Miss Andeby
Story on Interior Page(s)
anthropomorphic Fra Dollys dagbok [Daisy Duck's Diary] Dolly Duck [Daisy Duck]; Bestemor Duck [Grandma Duck]; Guffen [Gus Goose]

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