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Publisher: Marvel
Years in Operation: 1939 - ?
Disclose Detail
Country: Flag United States Web Site: http://marvel.com Brands: 151 Indicia Publishers: 127 Series: 12529 Printings: 111814 (59116 Issues) Disclose Notes: Marvel was started in 1939 by Martin Goodman under a number of corporation and imprint names that have collectively become known as Timely, and by 1951 had generally become known as Atlas. The "Marvel era" began in 1961, the year that the company launched The Fantastic Four and other superhero titles created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko and many others. The Marvel brand, which had been used over the years, was solidified as the company's primary brand.

Marvel counts among its characters such well-known superheroes as Spider-Man, Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Ant-Man, the Wasp, Black Widow, Wolverine, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Ghost Rider, Blade, Daredevil, the Punisher and Deadpool. Superhero teams exist such as the Avengers, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four and the Guardians of the Galaxy as well as supervillains including Doctor Doom, Magneto, Thanos, Loki, Green Goblin, Kingpin, Red Skull, Ultron, the Mandarin, MODOK, Doctor Octopus, Kang, Dormammu, Annihilus and Galactus. Most of Marvel's fictional characters operate in a single reality known as the Marvel Universe, with most locations mirroring real-life places; many major characters are based in New York City. Additionally, Marvel has published several licensed properties from other companies. This includes Star Wars comics twice from 1977 to 1986 and again since 2015.

Distribution variants:

Whitman: For issues cover dated February 1977 to around May 1979, Marvel produced non-newsstand editions that were sold mainly in packages. Some, but not all of these, were sold by Western and, because of the branding on the similar DC and Gold Key comics, are generally known as Whitman variants. For the most part they have a square diamond price and either a barcode or a white space where the barcode should be. Some issues from this time have the narrower diamond but it is not currently known if this means they were distributed differently or if it was simply because of the design of the original cover. There is definitely uncertainty between the end of the Whitman comics and the beginning of the Direct comics.

Speculation has it that in June 1977, Marvel Comics wanted to test the market to see if comic buyers would accept a five cent price increase. Marvel released a 35 cent variant for every 30 cent comic they produced from June to October 1977. This was a total of 184 different comics. These 35 cent variants were printed in much smaller numbers than the normal 30 cent counterpart and were believed to have been shipped to only six distribution locations to be sold in those specific areas. (Mark Gordon 2010-02-16, revised by Ramon Schenk 2013-02-27).

Direct: Starting with issues cover dated around April 1979, Marvel started producing non-newsstand editions to be sold in the direct market. For the most part they have a narrower diamond price and the barcode has a line through it (until February 1980 when they started putting a Spider-Man head and eventually other artwork in the UPC box area).

Direct Edition: In July 1993, Marvel started putting a barcode on the issues sold to the Direct market. They included the words "Direct Edition" in the barcode box.
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Brand Name View Brand Images Years in Operation Printings (Issues)
2099; MarvelView Brand Images 1995 - 1996 20 (16)
2099; Marvel ComicsView Brand Images 1995 - 1996 97 (82)
2099; Spider-Man Group; Marvel ComicsDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Marvel Comics, 2099, and Spider-Man group logos
1995 - 1
70 Years of Marvel ComicsView Brand Images 2009 - 28 (11)
A Humorama MagazineView Brand Images ? - 11
A Lovers MagazineDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: used from approximately October 1949 to June 1950 on romance titles
1949 - 1950 60
A Marvel ComicDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Horizontal text in the bottom corner, used on at least one issue during at least one month in 1947 around the same time as "Marvel Group" and "A Marvel Magazine", both of which used a peeled-back upper corner design.
1947 - 2
A Marvel Comics PublicationDisclose
Note: Used only on The Twelve (Marvel, 2008 series)
2008 - 2012 18 (15)
A Marvel Magazine [corner peeled back]DiscloseView Brand Images2
Note: This brand appeared on regular comics in 1946-1947 in the upper corner as if the cover was peeled back to reveal the logo. A separate brand with the same name but a different appearance was used on magazine publications in the 80's and early 90's.
1946 - 1947 29
A Marvel Magazine [plain text]DiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Appeared on Marvel's magazine publications above the issue number box in the 80's up through cover date May 1990. A separate brand with the same name but a distinctive appearance (as if the corner of the cover was peeled back) was used on comics in the late 40's.
1980 - 1990 59 (38)
A Marvel Magazine [Spider-Man]Disclose
Note: "A Marvel Magazine" in a circle, with Spider-Man's face inside a concentric circle.
1980 - 1983 18
A Marvel Movie SpecialView Brand Images 1977 - 1983 7
A Romance! MagazineView Brand Images 1950 - 2 (1)
A Timely Comics Riot of FunDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: The red, white and blue Timely shield with "Riot of Fun" scrawled on the lower portion as if by a child.
1942 - 1
Actual Ender's Game; Marvel 2008 - 2012 38 (37)
Actual Ender's Game; Marvel Premiere EditionDisclose
Note: For collected editions of Ender's Game comics.
2009 - 2012 5
All-New Marvel NOW!View Brand Images 2013 - ? 43 (7)
Archie Comics; Marvel ComicsView Brand Images 1994 - 1
Atlas [black & white]DiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Black and white globe, usually with longitude and latitude lines, with a banner across it reading "Atlas" in black letters. See also a color version used in 1944. According to an article in Alter Ego (vol. 3) #49 by Tom Lammers, Atlas was intended as a publisher's brand, not as a distribution mark. The Atlas logo was first used on November 1951 issues, but Kable News Co. continued to distribute the issues through the August 1952 issues, and it's "K" logo and the logo of the independent distributors' union continued to appear along side the Atlas globe. The Atlas globe also remained in use through the September 1957 issues, plus one of the two issues cover-dated October 1957, while A.N.C. had taken over distribution as of November, 1956. No indication of A.N.C.'s distribution appeared on the cover while the Atlas globe remained. Additionally, interior pages encouraged readers to "look for the Atlas seal on the cover!"
1951 - 1957 1680
Atlas [color globe]DiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Globe with the U.S. in blue, Canada and Mexico in dark green, oceans in white, and an "Atlas" banner with red letters across it. Seen as late as 1948 on non-comics publications, no comics appearances outside of 1944 currently known. See also the black-and-white wireframe globe Atlas brand used in the 50's.
1944 - 4
Avengers Group; Marvel ComicsDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: When Marvel had five editors-in-chief, each office had separate brands.
1995 - 1997 15 (14)
Captain America 70th Anniversary 2011 - 2 (1)
Captain America 70th Anniversary; Marvel 2011 - 4 (1)
Crossgen; MarvelView Brand Images 2011 - 2012 15 (13)
DC and Marvel PresentDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Used for joint publications with DC.
1981 - 1982 2
Disney ComicsView Brand Images 2011 - ? 20
Dynamite Entertainment; Marvel 2007 - 2011 31 (18)
e [Epic]View Brand Images 1987 - 1993 31
e [Epic]; Marvel Comics 1987 - 1993 0
e; Epic Graphic Novel 1987 - 1994 19
EpicDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Succeeded to the "Epic; Marvel" brand (2003-2004).
2004 - 3
Epic ComicsView Brand Images2 1987 - 1993 319
Epic Comics; A Shadowline Saga 1988 - 1990 31
Epic Comics; Heavy HittersView Brand Images 1993 - 35
Epic Comics; MarvelView Brand Images 1982 - 1994 301 (279)
Epic Comics; Marvel Comics 1995 - 7
Epic Comics; Marvel Comics Group 1982 - 1983 4
Epic; MarvelView Brand Images 2003 - ? 13 (12)
Fantastic Four Group; Marvel ComicsDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: When Marvel had five editors-in-chief, each office had separate brands.
1996 - 1
The Flying FannyDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: "Get more laughs, cartoons, fun, when you get the cartoon magazine with THE FLYING FANNY on the cover." This brand ran only on the cartoon magazines.
1968 - 1974 269 (166)
Ghost Rider Group; Marvel ComicsDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: When Marvel had five editors-in-chief, each office had separate brands.
1997 - 1
Heavy Hitters; Epic Comics e [inverted triangle]Disclose
Note: "Heavy Hitters" across the top of the triangle, then "Epic Comics" in the middle, with the small "e" in the point.
1993 - 1994 13
I ♥ MarvelView Brand Images 2006 - 5
IconView Brand Images 2004 - ? 202 (143)
Icon; MillarworldDisclose
Note: First used on Nemesis #3 (Nov 2010)
2010 - ? 69 (34)
M-TechView Brand Images 1999 - 2000 42 (32)
Malibu 1995 - 1997 0
Malibu ComicsView Brand Images 1995 - 1996 73 (61)
Malibu Comics; Marvel Comics 1995 - 3 (2)
Malibu Comics; Marvel Universe 1995 - 3
Malibu Comics; Ultraverse 1995 - 1996 29 (26)
MarvelDiscloseView Brand Images3
Note: Periods of use: 1983-1990, 2001-present There have been several variations in font, placement and trade dress with this brand. During the 80's, the box with the issue number and price was square or in the shape of an "M" depending on whether it was direct market, newsstand or subscription. Marvel started putting ".com" in its logo box in 2006, then abandoned the practice for a while, and then resumed in 2007- after some discussion, this is not considered to be a separate brand. In the same period, Marvel also began integrating descriptions such as "Variant Edition", "Limited Series" and "One-Shot" in the logo box in the same position.
1983 - ? 15465 (10732)
Marvel 25th AnniversaryDiscloseView Brand Images2
Note: Used on Marvel titles published in calendar year 1986 (usually April 1986 - March 1987 cover dates).
1986 - 1987 537 (314)
Marvel 3000View Brand Images 1994 - 1995 18 (17)
Marvel AbsurdView Brand Images 1995 - 1996 21
Marvel Adventures; MarvelDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Marvel replaced their kid friendly "Marvel Age" line of comics in 2005 with the "Marvel Adventures" brand. Brand has a distinctive red band across the top of the cover with the "Marvel Adventures" logo emblazoned on it. In 2010, the red band was dropped and "Marvel Adventures" became part of the title name.
2005 - 2010 123 (114)
Marvel AgeDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: "Marvel Age" was a short-lived imprint of "ALL AGES" titles created especially for new and young readers featuring some of the "best" Marvel stories of the last few years, as well as new, contemporary versions of some of the "greatest" stories from Marvel mythology. After almost one short year, the imprint was rebooted as "Marvel Adventures".
2004 - 2005 53 (52)
Marvel Age; Marvel Mangaverse 2004 - 1
Marvel All-Colour ComicsDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Used in the 1970s and early 1980s on British versions of the American comics.
1975 - 1981 175 (0)
Marvel AlterniverseView Brand Images 1995 - 1996 16 (13)
Marvel AnimatedView Brand Images 1999 - 2000 7
Marvel AuthentixDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Brand name for Dynamic Forces special editions of specific Marvel comics in 1998 and 1999.
1998 - 1999 2
Marvel Books 1982 - ? 3
Marvel Collectible ClassicsDisclose
Note: Brand placed on a number of chromium enhanced reprints done in the 1990s.
1995 - 1998 5
Marvel Comic [round logo]DiscloseView Brand Images2
Note: Round logo with crescent highlight in the center and "Marvel Comic" written in the thick border- "Marvel" around the top, "Comic" around the bottom. Used from January 1949 to June 1950. From January 1949 to roughly September or October 1949, appeared on all or nearly all comics from this publisher. From October-ish 1949 to June 1950, appeared on all or nearly all non-romance comics, while romance comics used the "A Lovers Magazine" brand ( http://www.comics.org/brand/451/ ) instead. Also used on the two volumes of The Golden Age of Marvel Comics reprint collections published in 1997 and 1999.
1949 - 1950 199
Marvel ComicsDiscloseView Brand Images2
Note: Various logos involving the word "Marvel" in some sort of block type, and then usually a big "M" with "Comics" over it in a lettered style of writing.
1987 - 2008 7568 (5936)
Marvel Comics 2DiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Branding on comics set in an alternate future of the main Marvel Universe. Titles carrying this branding included Spider-Girl, J2 and A-Next.
1998 - 2001 78 (72)
Marvel Comics [in banner, no "group"]DiscloseView Brand Images
Note: This version of the words "MARVEL COMICS" appears in a banner at the top of the comic that includes additional information beyond the brand. The known example is "A MARVEL COMICS LIMITED SERIES", although there may be others. Not the same as the "Marvel Comics Group" banner, as "Group" is considered part of the brand since it refers to the publisher. Since "Limited Series" refers to the series, it is not part of the brand.
1982 - 1983 29 (16)
Marvel Comics Edición MexicanaDisclose
Note: Edited Marvel's Mexican Edition Comics, published between 1996 & 1998. (Editó la Edición Mexicana de los Cómics de Marvel, publicados entre 1996 y 1998).
1996 - 1998 9
Marvel Comics GroupDiscloseView Brand Images4
Note: These words appeared in various different forms during a 20-year period, such as near the issue number or in a band across the top of the cover. Also used in a retro way on the -1 issues of various comics during 1997 and on a Fantastic Four issue in 2007.
1963 - 2007 6503 (5515)
Marvel Comics Group; MCGView Brand Images 1967 - 1968 34
Marvel Comics UKDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Though Marvel had reprinted material originally created for and distributed in the UK market, like G.I. European Missions, or distributed additionally to the US market material prepared for the UK market, like Death’s Head and Dragon’s Claws, they first used the Marvel UK brand on US product with Death’s Head II #1, cover-dated March 1992. The main line ended with issues cover-dated April 1994, though a different Marvel UK logo was used from that point on Doctor Who: Classic Comics through #27, dated December 1994. Pumping Iron is a Marvel UK sub-imprint; Marvel Frontier Comics is actually a Marvel UK sub-imprint, though a Marvel UK logo is not part of the trade dress. Several Marvel UK series were solicited, but never released, including: Motormouth & Killpower, Bloodrush, Death Duty, Roid Rage, Trakker (aka Timestryke), Officer Outbody, Removal Vs. Motormouth, Ripwire, Warhide, Wild Angels, Loose Cannons, Killfrenzy, Dark Guard Gold, and Motormouth: Re-Mix.
1992 - 1994 171 (169)
Marvel Comics UK; Pumping Iron 1993 - 1994 13
Marvel Comics; Counter XView Brand Images 2000 - 2001 44 (35)
Marvel Comics; DC [bullet] 1991 - 1996 7
Marvel Comics; eDiscloseView Brand Images2
Note: Co-branding of both insignia.
1992 - 1992 4
Marvel Comics; FWDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: When Marvel decided to separate their titles into groups. Iron Man, Force Works and War Machine where part of the Force Works (FW) group.
1995 - 2
Marvel Comics; image 1996 - 1997 4 (3)
Marvel Comics; NelsonView Brand Images 1992 - 1993 3
Marvel Comics; Pizza HutView Brand Images 1994 - 1
Marvel Custom EditionView Brand Images 2011 - 2
Marvel EdgeView Brand Images 1995 - 1997 35 (34)
Marvel Facsimile EditionDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Brand used on the Marvel Milestone reprint comics
1991 - 1997 10 (9)
Marvel Frontier ComicsView Brand Images 1993 - 1994 12
Marvel Graphic NovelView Brand Images3 1982 - 1993 42 (41)
Marvel Graphics 1989 - 1990 4
Marvel GroupDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Used for at least one month in 1947.
1947 - 11
Marvel HumorView Brand Images 1994 - 1995 3
Marvel IconsDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Brand used for a few four issue limited series featuring individual characters in 2001-2002.
2001 - 2002 4
Marvel Illustrated BooksDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Used on the covers of some mass market paperbacks published by Marvel in the early 1980s.
1982 - 8
Marvel ImportsDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Used on Manga-style series.
1997 - 1999 58
Marvel InteractiveView Brand Images 1998 - 9
Marvel KnightsView Brand Images 1998 - 2011 470 (427)
Marvel Knights; Marvel 2009 - 6
Marvel Knights; Marvel ComicsView Brand Images 2001 - 2008 8 (6)
Marvel Magazine GroupDisclose
Note: Last used on Savage Sword of Conan #98 (March 1984) published in December 1983.
1974 - 1983 40
Marvel Magazines [reading a magazine]DiscloseView Brand Images
Note: A caricature reading a magazine that has the words "Marvel Magazines" on it.
1973 - 1973 1
Marvel Magazines [roundrel]DiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Spider-Man head encircled by band that says "Marvel" at the top and "Magazines" at the bottom.
1980 - 1980 1
Marvel MangaverseView Brand Images 2002 - 2006 14
Marvel MK [Marvel Knights]View Brand Images 2001 - 2011 259 (218)

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