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Brand: Atlas [black & white]
Years in Operation: 1951 - 1957
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Publisher: Flag Marvel
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Printings: 1680
Disclose Notes: Black and white globe, usually with longitude and latitude lines, with a banner across it reading "Atlas" in black letters. See also a color version used in 1944.

According to an article in Alter Ego (vol. 3) #49 by Tom Lammers, Atlas was intended as a publisher's brand, not as a distribution mark. The Atlas logo was first used on November 1951 issues, but Kable News Co. continued to distribute the issues through the August 1952 issues, and it's "K" logo and the logo of the independent distributors' union continued to appear along side the Atlas globe. The Atlas globe also remained in use through the September 1957 issues, plus one of the two issues cover-dated October 1957, while A.N.C. had taken over distribution as of November, 1956. No indication of A.N.C.'s distribution appeared on the cover while the Atlas globe remained.

Additionally, interior pages encouraged readers to "look for the Atlas seal on the cover!"
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