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Publisher: Marvel
Years in Operation: 1939 - ?
Disclose Detail
Country: Flag United States Web Site: http://marvel.com Brands: 151 Indicia Publishers: 127 Series: 12529 Printings: 111814 (59116 Issues) Disclose Notes: Marvel was started in 1939 by Martin Goodman under a number of corporation and imprint names that have collectively become known as Timely, and by 1951 had generally become known as Atlas. The "Marvel era" began in 1961, the year that the company launched The Fantastic Four and other superhero titles created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko and many others. The Marvel brand, which had been used over the years, was solidified as the company's primary brand.

Marvel counts among its characters such well-known superheroes as Spider-Man, Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Ant-Man, the Wasp, Black Widow, Wolverine, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Ghost Rider, Blade, Daredevil, the Punisher and Deadpool. Superhero teams exist such as the Avengers, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four and the Guardians of the Galaxy as well as supervillains including Doctor Doom, Magneto, Thanos, Loki, Green Goblin, Kingpin, Red Skull, Ultron, the Mandarin, MODOK, Doctor Octopus, Kang, Dormammu, Annihilus and Galactus. Most of Marvel's fictional characters operate in a single reality known as the Marvel Universe, with most locations mirroring real-life places; many major characters are based in New York City. Additionally, Marvel has published several licensed properties from other companies. This includes Star Wars comics twice from 1977 to 1986 and again since 2015.

Distribution variants:

Whitman: For issues cover dated February 1977 to around May 1979, Marvel produced non-newsstand editions that were sold mainly in packages. Some, but not all of these, were sold by Western and, because of the branding on the similar DC and Gold Key comics, are generally known as Whitman variants. For the most part they have a square diamond price and either a barcode or a white space where the barcode should be. Some issues from this time have the narrower diamond but it is not currently known if this means they were distributed differently or if it was simply because of the design of the original cover. There is definitely uncertainty between the end of the Whitman comics and the beginning of the Direct comics.

Speculation has it that in June 1977, Marvel Comics wanted to test the market to see if comic buyers would accept a five cent price increase. Marvel released a 35 cent variant for every 30 cent comic they produced from June to October 1977. This was a total of 184 different comics. These 35 cent variants were printed in much smaller numbers than the normal 30 cent counterpart and were believed to have been shipped to only six distribution locations to be sold in those specific areas. (Mark Gordon 2010-02-16, revised by Ramon Schenk 2013-02-27).

Direct: Starting with issues cover dated around April 1979, Marvel started producing non-newsstand editions to be sold in the direct market. For the most part they have a narrower diamond price and the barcode has a line through it (until February 1980 when they started putting a Spider-Man head and eventually other artwork in the UPC box area).

Direct Edition: In July 1993, Marvel started putting a barcode on the issues sold to the Direct market. They included the words "Direct Edition" in the barcode box.
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Indicia Publisher Name Years in Operation Printings (Issues)
Flag20th Century Comic Corp. 1943 - 1957 159
Flag20th Century Comic Corporation 1943 - 1944 1
FlagA.P.N.G. Enterprises Inc. Disclose
Note: A.P.N.G. Enterprises, Inc. is the copyright holder for the New-Gen comics. There is no publisher listed in the indicia.
2008 - 2013 4 (11)
FlagAnimated Timely Features Inc. 1965 - 1968 26
FlagAnimirth Comics Inc. Disclose
Note: Specific start and end dates unknown at this time.
1943 - 1956 166
FlagAtlas Magazines Inc. 1955 - 1968 378 (248)
FlagAtlas News Co. Inc. 1955 - 1957 27
FlagAtlas News Company Inc. 1944 - 1957 93 (92)
FlagBard Publishing Corp. 1945 - 1968 232 (196)
FlagBard Publishing Corporation 1945 - 1968 7 (6)
FlagBroadcast Features Publications Inc. 1949 - 1956 85
FlagCadence Comics Publications Disclose
Note: Cadence Comics Publications existed from October 31, 1973 to December 4, 1975. According to the Gazette officielle du Québec, 15 décembre 1973, Page 41 http://collections.banq.qc.ca:81/jrn03/goq/src/1973/p_1/12/15/116364_1973-p_1-12-15.pdf#page=41 and Gazette officielle du Québec, 20 décembre 1975, Page 55 http://collections.banq.qc.ca:81/jrn03/goq/src/1975/p_1/12/20/116364_1975-p_1-12-20.pdf#page=55 and the magazine's indicia, it was located at 1010 St. Catherine Ste. West in Montreal Suite 640 of the Dominion Square Building. The same building as the Montreal Gazette. The Suite 640 address is derived from the Gazette officielle du Québec but the magazine’s indicia give a suite number of 110 which is not listed in the Gazette officielle du Québec nor is it listed in Lovell’s city directories. An examination of the Lovell’s city directories of Montreal from 1973- 1975 found no listing for a Cadence Comics Publications. Although in the 1972- 1973, 1973- 1974, 1974- 1975 and 1976 directories the firm of Klein, Schecter & Roth, Advocates are listed as occupying suite 640. This is interesting as the lawyer representing Cadence Comics Publications at its surrender of its charter is a Milton L. Klein. CADENCE COMICS PUBLICATIONS INC. Notice is hereby given that "CADENCE COMICS PUBLICATIONS INC. "A corporation incorporated under the Companies Act and having its registered office in the city of Montreal, will speak to the Minister of Consumer Affairs, Cooperatives and Financial Institutions in the Province of Quebec for leave to surrender its charter under the provisions of the Companies Act." Dated at Montreal, this December 4, 1975. The prosecutor of the company, ie 62884 Milton L. Klein, QC (above provided by Michael Grabois) Why the Montreal location for what looks like a standard Marvel Magazines of the time period? Mike Nielsen commented: "Nothing more than speculation, but I wonder if Canadian newsstand/subscriptions were handled by an office in Montreal for tax/mail cost reasons.  Has this been seen anywhere but the b&w magazines?   And Jim Stangas suggested; "This is way out of left field and probably has nothing to do with Marvel's actions, but a "newsprint strike" in 1973 resulted in a paper shortage in the U.S.  Maybe a Montreal office was opened to take advantage of available paper from the Canadian mills? A March '74 publication date means the mags were likely printed in late '73. The paper shortage was something that affected a lot of publishers -- I remember my local newspaper having to print the Sunday comics temporarily in black & white in a much reduced size."
1973 - 1975 7
FlagCadence Publications Inc. 1974 - 1
FlagCanam Publishers Sales Corp. 1952 - 1968 380 (282)
FlagChipiden Publishing Corp. Disclose
Note: Chipiden derives from the first names of publisher Martin Goodman's children, Chip (Charles) and Iden.
1943 - 1959 131
FlagClassic Detective Stories Inc. 1949 - 1957 19
FlagClassic Publishing Corp. 1957 - 1
FlagClassic Syndicate Inc. 1950 - 1957 105
FlagComedy Publications Inc. 1941 - 1946 29
FlagComic Combine Corp. 1948 - 1956 97
FlagComplete Photo Story Corp. 1942 - 1948 60
FlagCornell Publishing Corp. 1944 - 1957 93
FlagCornell Publishing Corporation 1945 - 1
FlagCrime Bureau Stories Inc. 1948 - 1949 10
FlagCrime Files Inc. Disclose
Note: Known to be in use during 1948.
1948 - 2
FlagCurrent Detective Stories Inc. 1943 - 1957 124
FlagDaring Comics Inc. Disclose
Note: Dates unconfirmed, but publisher was in operation for at least these years.
1943 - 1947 12
FlagEmgee Publications Inc. Disclose
Note: Emgee possibly refers to Martin Goodman's initials, M. G.
1956 - 1957 16
FlagEpic Comics 1987 - 1995 590 (514)
FlagEpic Comics Inc. 1988 - 1989 40 (31)
FlagEuclid Publishing Company Inc. 1944 - 1945 3
FlagExclusive Detective Stories Inc. 1948 - 1968 3
FlagEye Publishing Corp. Disclose
Note: Only known use is during 1949.
1949 - 1949 1
FlagFantasy Comics Inc. 1946 - 1947 1
FlagFantasy Comics, Incorporated 1943 - 1968 9
FlagFoto Parade Inc. 1951 - 1959 62
FlagGem Publications 1945 - 1959 1
FlagGem Publications Inc. Disclose
Note: Used until the end of 1958 (last cover-date: Feb 1959)
1945 - 1959 118 (117)
FlagHercules Publishing Corp. 1947 - 0
FlagHercules Publishing Corp. 1947 - 1960 79 (78)
FlagHercules Publishing Corporation 1944 - 1964 68
FlagHumorama Inc. Disclose
Note: Published numerous gag cartoon magazines.
1954 - 1981 529 (523)
FlagInterstate Publishing Corp. 1949 - 1966 116
FlagJaygee Publications Inc. 1956 - 1957 8
FlagJest Publishing Co. Inc. 1943 - 1946 18
FlagJest Publishing Company Inc. 1941 - 1942 7
FlagLeading Comic Corp. 1948 - 1952 78
FlagLeading Magazine Corp. 1949 - 1968 217 (179)
FlagLegendary Comics, LLC; Marvel Worldwide,Inc. Disclose
Note: Joint publication of Legendary Comics and Marvel.
2013 - 1
FlagLion Books Inc. 1952 - 1968 1
FlagLondon Publishing Corp. 1946 - 1947 1
FlagLondon Publishing Corporation 1945 - 5
FlagMagazine Management Co. Disclose
Note: Used in 1969 and for many, if not all, of the black and white magazines that Marvel published in the early to mid 1970's.
1969 - 1977 129 (94)
FlagMagazine Management Co. Inc. 1969 - 1978 2045 (1472)
FlagMagazine Management Company 1967 - 1969 10 (7)
FlagMagazine Management Company Inc. 1969 - 1976 33 (30)
FlagMagazine Management, Inc. Disclose
Note: Used in 1969, on Cartoon Laughs (Marvel, 1963 series).
? - 1978 0
FlagMale Publishing Corp. 1952 - 1967 200 (196)
FlagMalibu Comics Entertainment Inc. 1995 - 1996 77 (64)
FlagManvis Distributors Disclose
Note: Published the sole issue of the male humor magazine, Zippy (1941, Marvel). Not to be confused with the similarly named indicia publisher Manvis Publications, Inc.
1941 - 1941 1
FlagManvis Publications Inc. 1943 - 1959 106
FlagMargood Publishing Corp. 1945 - 1956 36
FlagMargood Publishing Corporation 1944 - 1957 25
FlagMarjean Magazine Corp. Disclose
Note: Marjean very likely derives from the first names of publisher Martin Goodman and his wife, Jean.
1948 - 1957 78
FlagMarvel / Epic Comics 1992 - 1992 0
FlagMarvel Books 1984 - 1986 3
FlagMarvel Characters Inc. 1996 - 1998 6 (11)
FlagMarvel Comics Disclose
Note: Replaced "Marvel Comics Group" mostly starting with issues cover-dated June 1987, although at least one May 1987 issue was published on this indicia publisher. Replaced by "Marvel Publishing, Inc." around February 2006, although at least one January 2006 issue already has the new company listed.
1987 - 2009 25015 (14390)
FlagMarvel Comics Group Disclose
Note: Appears only infrequently after 1987.
1973 - 1994 15501 (7476)
FlagMarvel Comics Group and DC Comics Inc. 1982 - 2 (1)
FlagMarvel Comics Inc. Disclose
Note: End date uncertain at this time. Used continuously from 1944 at least into the mid to late 50's, and again in the late 60's. No known uses after the 60's. Note that "Marvel Comics", without the "Inc." was used for quite some time in the 80's, 90's and 00's but is considered a distinct company.
1944 - 1969 155 (154)
FlagMarvel Comics LTD 1987 - 1995 42 (30)
FlagMarvel Comics UK Ltd Disclose
Note: Used for the Marvel Comics UK series published in the US in the first half of the 1990s.
1992 - 1995 182 (15)
FlagMarvel Enterprises Inc. 1999 - 2010 33 (23)
FlagMarvel Entertainment Group ? - ? 7
FlagMarvel Entertainment Group Inc. 1987 - 2008 337 (221)
FlagMarvel Entertainment Group Inc. and DC Comics Inc. 1991 - 1
FlagMarvel Entertainment Inc. Disclose
Note: Last used in March 2010 and replaced by Marvel Entertainment, LLC
2003 - 2010 78 (49)
FlagMarvel Family Publishing 1995 - 1997 7 (6)
FlagMarvel Frontier Comics 1993 - 1994 12
FlagMarvel Interactive 1998 - 3
FlagMarvel Interactive and Battlebooks Inc. 1998 - 1999 10 (9)
FlagMarvel Music Disclose
Note: Listed in full as "Marvel Music, an imprint of Marvel Comics."
1994 - 9 (5)
FlagMarvel Publishing Inc. Disclose
Note: A subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment, Inc. Replaced "Marvel Comics" on most series with issues cover date February 2006, although there is at least one January 2006 issue with this indicia publisher. Replaced by "Marvel Worldwide, Inc." mostly with issues cover-dated April 2010, but for at least one series with the May 2010 issue.
2005 - 2010 7318 (4906)
FlagMarvel Publishing Inc. / IDW Publishing 2007 - 1
FlagMarvel Worldwide Inc. Disclose
Note: A subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment, LLC.
2005 - ? 48019 (20027)
FlagMarvelmania International Disclose
Note: Appears to be a publishing entity created exclusively for the short-lived Marvelmania fanzine (1969-1971).
1969 - 1971 4
FlagMedalion Publishing Corp. Disclose
Note: Dates unconfirmed, but the publisher existed for at least these years. "Medalion" (with one "l") is the correct spelling.
1943 - 1957 66
FlagMiss America Publishing Corp. 1944 - 1959 100
FlagMiss America Publishing Corporation 1945 - 1947 26
FlagMohawk Publications Corporation 1944 - 1
FlagMutual Magazine Corp. 1949 - 1957 30
FlagNewsstand Publications Inc. 1942 - 1968 159 (143)
FlagNon Pareil Pub Corp 1961 - 1961 1
FlagNon-Pareil Publishing Co. 1945 - 1965 32 (18)
FlagNon-Pareil Publishing Corp. 1946 - 1972 242 (178)
FlagOfficial Comics Inc. 1947 - 1955 7
FlagOfficial Magazine Corp. 1953 - 1968 74 (69)
FlagOlympia Publications Inc. 1956 - 1968 110 (83)
FlagPerfect Film & Chemical Corp. Disclose
Note: Only appears in November 1968 through February 1969 issues.
1968 - 1969 43 (40)

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