XOW Logo
Brand: Marvel
Years in Operation: 1983 - ?
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Publisher: Flag Marvel
Web Site:
Disclose Notes: Periods of use: 1983-1990, 2001-present

There have been several variations in font, placement and trade dress with this brand. During the 80's, the box with the issue number and price was square or in the shape of an "M" depending on whether it was direct market, newsstand or subscription.

Marvel started putting ".com" in its logo box in 2006, then abandoned the practice for a while, and then resumed in 2007- after some discussion, this is not considered to be a separate brand. In the same period, Marvel also began integrating descriptions such as "Variant Edition", "Limited Series" and "One-Shot" in the logo box in the same position.
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Brand Image

Brand Image
Rectangular box that appears on top-left of cover. Characters and background colors will vary.

Brand Image
Rectangular box on top-left of cover with styled "M" containing issue number and pricing. Characters and background colors will vary.

If any, the primary Brand Image has a thicker border and is listed first.

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