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Avatar User Page for nyrdyv


This is the publicly accessible main user page for the user nyrdyv. It contains primarily the My Wants lists the user has opted to make available for public viewing.

There are different views of the data made available herein. This page provides a short description of each of the pages available for viewing. All of the tools and interface features normally available on listing pages throughout the site are available on these pages (e.g. column header clicking for sorting, multi-level sorting, rollover interfaces, direct linking throughout, etc.).

User Page, My Comic Wants

View all of the individual comics on any My Wants list. This is a full listing of individual comics on any My Wants list, a separate entry even for each individual copy of an Issue.

On this page you can view the condition of the comic and notes about each individual comic wanted.

User Page, My Wants

User Page, My Wants Gallery

View all of the Issues on any My Wants list. This is a full listing of Issues marked as being wanted. The page includes a quantity for how many copies of each Issue is wanted. You can either view them with or without Issue Images being shown.

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