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Issue: Tales to Astonish #27
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Rating: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Publisher: FlagMarvel
Brand: MCView Brand Images
Indicia Publisher: Vista Publications Inc.
On Sale Date: 09/28/1961
Volume: 1
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency: Approved by the Comics Code Authority
Content Items: 6 (5 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: Includes 10 pages of paid advertisements. On-sale date is the publication date reported in U. S. Copyright Office filings.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Silver Age U.S.
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted From1
reprinted from a Content Item in another Issue.
Disclose Images1
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page
The Man in the Ant Hill!

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
science fiction
Henry Pym (later known as Ant-Man)
Save me, somebody, save me!!
FlagMarvel Milestones: Iron Man, Ant-Man & Captain America #[nn] published March 2005[nn]
FlagThe Marvel Saga the Official History of the Marvel Universe #1 [Direct Edition] published December 1985
as Marvel Saga Classic Cover Gallery [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
FlagEssential Ant-Man #1 published February 2002
as The Man in the Ant Hill! [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]black and white
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Ant-Man / Giant-Man #1 [Regular Edition] published March 2006
as Tales to Astonish #27 [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Tales to Astonish #3 [Regular Edition] published March 2010
as [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]cover
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Tales to Astonish #3 [Regular Edition] published March 2010
as Tales to Astonish #27 [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Ant-Man / Giant-Man #1 [unnamed variant] published January 2013
as The Man in the Ant Hill! [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
The Man in the Ant Hill!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Living nightmares can begin in many ways!
Henry Pym invents a shrinking serum, but is trapped in an ant hill when he tests it. He is attacked by several ants, but one of them helps him escape and restore his ordinary size. He destroys the serum because it is too dangerous.
FlagHulk Comic #2 published March 1979part 2
FlagMarvel Limited: Fantastic Firsts #[nn] published May 1994
FlagFantastic Firsts #[nn] published January 2002[nn]
FlagMarvel Milestones: Iron Man, Ant-Man & Captain America #[nn] published March 2005[nn]
FlagAvengers: The Many Faces of Henry Pym #[nn] published January 2012
FlagMarvel Collectors' Item Classics #22 published August 1969
as The Man in the Ant Hill! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagHulk Comic #1 published March 1979
as The Man In The Ant Hill! [Story on Interior Page(s)]Heavily edited to bring the story length down to 2.75 pages. The first 3 panels, and final 6 panels taken from the Ant-Man story in Tales To Astonish #35. Reprinted panel sequence: page 1; page 3, panels 1-3; page 2, panel 5; page 3, panels 4-7; page 4; page 5, panels 1-4; page 6, panels 4-8; page 7, panel 3; page 6, panel 9; page 7, panels 4-5. Black & white
FlagThe Marvel Saga the Official History of the Marvel Universe #1 [Direct Edition] published December 1985
as Book I: The Saga Begins...! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagEssential Avengers #2 [1st Edition, 1st Printing] published June 2000
as The Man in the Ant Hill! [Story on Interior Page(s)]black and white
FlagEssential Ant-Man #1 published February 2002
as The Man in the Ant Hill! [Story on Interior Page(s)][black & white]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Ant-Man / Giant-Man #1 [Regular Edition] published March 2006
as The Man in the Ant Hill! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Tales to Astonish #3 [Regular Edition] published March 2010
as The Man in the Ant Hill! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Ant-Man / Giant-Man #1 [unnamed variant] published January 2013
as The Man in the Ant Hill! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Trouble Bubble

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Jonathan Jr.; Nora; Jonathan Sr.; Mr. Bigger
If there was some way to keep Jonathan, Jr. busy on a rainy day, his mother fervently...
A boy discovers a formula to blow unbreakable bubbles and accidentally entraps his father's boss.
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Tales to Astonish #3 [Regular Edition] published March 2010
as Trouble Bubble [Text Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagJourney into Unknown Worlds #49 published September 1956
was Trouble Bubble [Text Story on Interior Page(s)]
Text story with illustration.
Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall...

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
horror, occult
Bill Carter; Anne Carter
Bill Carter is an ordinary guy with ordinary problems...
Bill Carter purchases a mirror for his wife's birthday. It turns out to be cursed and she falls under the control of an undead sorceror until the mirror is broken.
FlagCapitaine America #12 published January 1972
as Miroir, miroir, sur le mur... [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagVault of Evil #23 [unnamed variant] published November 1975
as Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall... [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Tales to Astonish #3 [Regular Edition] published March 2010
as Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall... [Story on Interior Page(s)]
The Talking Horse

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
fantasy, occult, sports
Barney Sloan; Mike Jordan; Silverstreak
Go! Go! Go!
The horse Silverstreak convinces the abusive jockey Barney to bet on them winning the next race. When they lose, Barney is caught trying to beat the horse and kicked out of racing, before being beaten up by his bookie.
FlagL'Incroyable Hulk #42 published January 1975
as Le cheval parlant [Story on Interior Page(s)]N&B [B&W]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Tales to Astonish #3 [Regular Edition] published March 2010
as The Talking Horse [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Dead Planet!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Grokor; Mopox
Somewhere in the vast, endless universe...
A warrior race conquers world after world, but on one of them there seems to be life but their warrior can find none and dies of loneliness. The world was actually inhabited by sentient rocks.
FlagJourney into Mystery #19 published October 1975
as Dead Planet! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Atlas Era Tales to Astonish #3 [Regular Edition] published March 2010
as Dead Planet! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Last page includes an advertisment for Amazing Adult Fantasy (Marvel, 1961 series), also by Lee and Ditko.

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