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Issue: The Human Torch #2
Publication Date: January 1940
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagMarvel
Brand: none
Indicia Publisher: Timely Publications
On Sale Date: 09/25/1940
Volume: 1
Pages: 68
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.15 CAD
$0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 9 (8 stories, 1 cover)
Disclose Notes: HUMAN TORCH published quarterly by Timely Publications at Meriden, Conn. Entered as Second class matter at the Post Office at Meriden, Conn. under Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright 1940 by Timely Publications, 330W 42nd St., N. Y., N. Y. Art narratives by Funnies Incorporated, N.Y., N.Y., Volume 1, No. 2, Fall issue. Printed in U.S.A. Single copies 10c; in Canada 15c. Yearly subscription $.40.
(indicia transcription courtesy of Frank Motler)

Cover date is from house ad in Marvel Mystery Comics #13.
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Golden Age US (#2-35); then standard Silver Age US (#36-38)
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images2
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Subject Matter
FlagFlashback #21 published ?
FlagMarvel Milestones: Captain Britain, Psylocke & Sub-Mariner #[nn] published January 2005
as Cover to Human Torch #2 [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch #1 [Regular Edition] published November 2005
as [untitled] [Illustration on Cover, Front]cover
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch #1 [Regular Edition] published November 2005
as The Human Torch #2 [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch #1 [Regular Edition] published November 2005
as Backcover [Illustration on Interior Page(s)]back cover
Introducing Toro, the Flaming Torch Kid

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Mr. Raymond (introduction, Toro's father, death); Mrs. Raymond (Toro's mother, death); Pops (a circus owner, introduction)); Samson (villain, introduction)
Passing by a traveling circus, Torch spots a young kid on the ground with his body aflame. Landing, and a bit puzzled, he helps the young boy named Toro to be able to flame on at will and fly. Toro relates how he was involved in a train accident and lost both his parents after trying to save them in the fire. He fell unconscious, holding a piece of molten metal in his hand. He was adopted by two circus performers and has been with the circus since. Meanwhile, Samson, who lost a fight earlier to the Torch, is planning his revenge against the circus and especially the Torch.
FlagFlashback #21 published ?
FlagFantasy Masterpieces #11 published October 1967
as Introducing Toro, the Flaming Torch Kid [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch #1 [Regular Edition] published November 2005
as Introducing Toro, the Flaming Torch Kid [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagHuman Torch Comics 70th Anniversary Special #1 [unnamed variant] published July 2009
as Introducting Toro, the Flaming Torch Kid [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Toro is also in Invaders #22.

Toro appears in all Human Torch stories thru #31.
Sub-Mariner Crashes New York Again!!!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
un-named Naval Lieutenant; un-named naval Captain; Fritz (villain); un-named Nazis (villains)
The Navy has lost four battleships to fifth columnists, so the Sub-Mariner decides to head that way and look over the situation. He discovers a submerged Nazi U-Boat and some suspicious men diving down to it. Fearing sabotage, Namor decides to be on hand for the christening of a new ship the next day. As the ship slides into the water and starts to sink, aerial subs show up, anchor discs to the ship, raise it out of the water and put in back in dry dock. In a letter to officials, Namor tells them the ship was sabotaged, that he knows where the saboteurs are and will take care of them himself.
FlagFlashback #21 published ?
FlagMarvel Milestones: Captain Britain, Psylocke & Sub-Mariner #[nn] published January 2005
as Sub-Mariner Crashes New York Again!!! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch #1 [Regular Edition] published November 2005
as Sub-Mariner Crashes New York Again!!! [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Carl Burgos's Hot Idea [The Story of the Human Torch!]

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Carl Burgos
Fictional story of the Torch's creation with spot illustrations.
FlagFlashback #21 published ?
FlagMarvel Comics #1 #[nn] published January 1990
as Carl Burgos's Hot Idea [The Story of the Human Torch!] [Text Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagSaga of the Original Human Torch #4 published July 1990
as Carl Burgos' Hot Idea [Text Article on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch #1 [Regular Edition] published November 2005
as Carl Burgos' Hot Idea [The Story of the Human Torch!] [Text Article on Interior Page(s)]
Bill Everett's Hurricane [The Story of the Sub-Mariner!]

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Bill Everett; The Sub-Mariner [Prince Namor]
Fictional story of the Sub-Mariner's creation.
FlagFlashback #21 published ?
FlagMarvel Comics #1 #[nn] published January 1990
as Bill Everett's Hurricane [The Story of the Sub-Mariner!] [Text Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch #1 [Regular Edition] published November 2005
as Bill Everett's Hurricane [The Story of the Sub-Mariner!] [Text Article on Interior Page(s)]
Fictional story of the Sun-Mariner's creation. Sub-Mariner is shown in uniform with cape.
Extortion for a Bail-Out

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
The Falcon
un-named District Attorney; Mrs. Bankhead (introduction); Mr. Bankhead (introduction); Louise (Bankhead's maid, introduction); Big Jim Peterson (villain, political boss, introduction); Peterson's gang (villains, introduction for all)
Carl Burgess runs into a Mrs. Bankhead on his way out of court and learns that her husband has been kidnapped by men demanding $50,000. Changing to the Falcon, he tracks down the kidnappers and learns that they were trying to get the extortion money to bail out their boss, Big Jim Peterson, whom Burgess (as Assistant D.A.) was attempting to prosecute.
FlagFlashback #21 published ?
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch #1 [Regular Edition] published November 2005
as Extortion for a Bail-Out [Story on Interior Page(s)]
The Falcon's last appearance.
A Wish Come True

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Doctor Schmidt (chemist, introduction)
Bored little Jimmy Everett visits Mr. Schmidt in his lab while he is experimenting. After finding out the old chemist has invented a potion that can shrink someone, he runs an errand for him, and comes back to find him asleep. Jimmy decides to take the potion and shrinks down to the size of a nickel laying on the floor. When the chemist awakes, he spots the coin and picks it up, not noticing Jimmy on the coin, and puts it in his pocket. The old man happens to pick up a magnifying glass and sees the tiny boy, gives him the antidote and restores him to regular size.
FlagFlashback #21 published ?
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch #1 [Regular Edition] published November 2005
as A Wish Come True [Story on Interior Page(s)]
First and only appearance.
Hidden Treasure Means Death

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
occult, superhero
Mantor the Magician
Mantor the Magician (introduction); Joan Winters (introduction); Saunders (villain, Winter's butler); Saunders’ unnamed brother (villain, introduction)
Mantor sees a young lady drowning and acts quickly to save her. She tells him that her father recently died and left her a castle and a queer map that supposedly leads to a treasure. Together they go to the castle and he examines the map, which speaks of a secret button and hidden passage leading to the treasure. Mantor tells the girl to lock herself in her room while he investigates. An attempt is first made on Mantor by a deformed creature, before he finds the passage and is able to save the young lady from a phony ghost, namely Saunders the Butler.
FlagFlashback #21 published ?
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch #1 [Regular Edition] published November 2005
as Hidden Treasure Means Death [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Only appearance.
The Strange Case of the Bloodless Corpses

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
The Fiery Mask
Julie (a nurse); Captain Benson; unnamed Editor of the Daily Herald; Dr. Sendach (villain, introduction, death); Sendach's corpse-like creatures (villains, introduction for all, all die)
Dr. Jack Castle is called to Police HQ to look at a recent murder victim who doesn't have one drop of blood left in its body. He agrees to help the suffering people involved, but the Police will have to solve the mystery. More victims are reported and Castle cannot allow any more victims to die, so he changes to the Fiery Mask and prepares a trap at his lab. Swarms of ghoulish men come in and overpower the Mask, who is found injured the next morning by his nurse, who also discovers his secret identity. Later, he tracks down the man behind the terror, Dr. Sendach, an eminent stomach specialist.
FlagFlashback #21 published ?
FlagMarvel Masterworks: Golden Age Human Torch #1 [Regular Edition] published November 2005
as The Strange Case of the Bloodless Corpses [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagThe Twelve #1/2 published October 2008
as The Strange Case of the Bloodless Corpses [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Julie discovers the Mask's true identity.

Fiery Mask's last golden age appearance.

Next appearance in The Twelve (Marvel, 2008 series) #1.

Simon says that this strip was created by him to appear in Daring Mystery Comics #1 (January, 1940) in response to reader requests for a strip in the vein of the Human Torch.

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