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Publisher: Last Gasp
Years in Operation: 1970 - ?
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Country: Flag United States Web Site: http://lastgasp.com/ Brands: 7 Indicia Publishers: 8 Series: 175 Printings: 478 (335 Issues) Disclose Notes: Last Gasp is a San Francisco-based book publisher with a lowbrow art and counterculture focus. Owned and operated by founder Ron Turner, for most of its existence Last Gasp was a publisher, distributor, and wholesaler of underground comix and books of all types.

Although the company came onto the scene a bit later than some of the other underground publishers, Last Gasp continued publishing comix far longer than most of its competitors. In addition to publishing notable original titles like Slow Death, Wimmen's Comix, Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary, and Weirdo, it also picked up the publishing reins of important titles — such as Zap Comix and Young Lust — from rivals that had gone out of business.
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Brand Name View Brand Images Years in Operation Printings (Issues)
Cocoanut ComixDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: This is the same entity as the Cocoanut Comix that is also a brand (though different image) under Co. & Sons.
1971 - 1972 4
Last GaspDiscloseView Brand Images
Note: Brand image is basically a skull (sometimes with tongue hanging out) and crossed bones, but varies wildly in design.
? - ? 138 (125)
Last Gasp Eco-Funnies ? - 46 (41)
Last Gasp Publisher 1977 - ? 1
Last Gasp, Inc. 1970 - ? 0
Priaprism Press ? - 1
Yentzer & GonifView Brand Images ? - 14

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